Try this to elevate your perspective, gain clarity, and accelerate forward

Sara Oblak Speicher, MBA
2 min readSep 15, 2022

The world would love for you to see yourself as broken, as not enough, as too much…pretty much as a fixer-upper.

Indeed, we are all a work in progress, and there’s always this next thing we’re striving for. As we should.

And there indeed are a gazillion of pills and spells, potions and lotions, and magic 3-step formulas and courses that will cure you…

But what about your strengths? Generational power? Innate gifts?

What I offer today is one of the pillars on which I’ve built my life & businesses. It’s pretty revolutionary by the conventional standards… It’s knowing that there are no formulas, and no two results are alike.

Especially when you are a highly-accomplished individual who dreams big and plays hard. Loves deep and lives fast. And who works differently.

When I begin to work with a new client, it’s important to set clear expectations. And to take a different kind of inventory — the exact one I am inviting you to take today as well:

  • Can you take a moment and notice what already is?
  • Can you focus on what truly matters to you?
  • Can you celebrate you and your journey?
  • Can you honor all the good?

Evaluate what’s working well already — in your life, at home, at work, in partnerships, etc.
Honor what you love.
Unlock what’s already there (perhaps that’s the most challenging part as many just can’t see it on our own).
Focus on what matters — and then amplify it.

Then simplify, transform, and release the rest.

Try it out, and you’ll see that it could be the beginning of something pretty awesome.



Sara Oblak Speicher, MBA

I’m a mom, wife. International elite athlete turned master life coach to women leaders craving spaciousness. Advocate. Visionary.